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    How To Control And Get Rid Of Fungus Gnats


    Fungus gnats are flying and small insects that slightly resemble a mosquito. Thus, they are also known as sciarid flies because they are members of the Sciaridae family, and they favour moist and warm environments that feed on decaying organic matter while laying their eggs in the soil. The larvae can feed on roots, and these insects can become a nuisance to growers by rotting the organic materials. Adult flies also increase the annoyance of posing a risk to plant health by flying around the grow rooms or garden because they can carry and spread diseases. Thus, you should take action if you notice a growing population of fungus gnats, which is becoming a full-blown infestation.

    How To Reduce The Fungus Gnats

    For pest control, prevention is always the best form. Because fungus gnats cause your plants to be too wet, they favour damp, humid conditions, which is a guaranteed way to introduce the fungus gnats into your growing space. With the use of various gardening products, you will also help control fungus gnats, as using pots with generous drainage is an excellent method of minimising the risk. To prevent the substrate from staying too moist for extended periods of time, products such as netted pots like the Idropot also help to promote lateral airflow.  Hence, you can also learn how to control and identify these pests by following the steps below.

    Identify The Fungus: Before they cause a nuisance, it is important to spot the fungus gnats. Around the base of plants and in the pots are the most common places where growers notice these insects congregating. You can place the sticky traps, which work as insect catchers, close to the affected area of the grow space. As you know, insects have been found to be attracted to the yellow colour, which helps to draw them into the trap. With this, you can begin to consider which pesticides will be best for your growing environment once you have identified them.

    With The Use Of Pesticides: There are many pesticides on the market, such as Pyrethrum and Tanlin, that can help tackle an infestation. As for controlling the fungus gnat problems, this product is the most effective tool for insecticide, which is extracted from chrysanthemum plants. This natural chemical will not cause any negative effects on your plants whenever it can be sprayed on food crops. Thus, you must spray the substrates and dilute them accordingly as the plants a couple of times a week.

    Use The Aqua Clay Pebbles: The use of clay pebbles on your pot will make it harder and interrupt the life cycle for the gnats to lay their eggs. Aqua clay balls can also improve the drainage in potting mix as they are used to support healthy plant growth. For this, before adding the potting mix or compost, you should add a 4 cm deep layer of aqua clay pebbles to the bottom of the pot. Their round shape and small size provide extremely quick drainage with a high level of aeration and unrestricted root growth.

    Change Your Environment: As you know, elevated temperatures will speed up the life cycle of the gnats, as fungus gnats favour damp and humid conditions. Therefore, to prevent this condition, strong airflow and extraction are really helpful in reducing the pests. Thus, you must make sure that any circulation pumps, which are the source of the outbreak observed in the reservoir that you are using, are operating properly. This will also help miscalculate the menace of a fungus gnat attack.

    At Bayton Horticulture Centre, you will take expert gardening solutions to reduce the problem of fungus. If you want top-quality horticultural gardening products, we are your premier destination that helps to support the success of both amateur and professional growers. Thus, we are committed to providing high standards by establishing a passion for nurturing green spaces with our horticultural supplies and services.       

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