Plant pests are a critical risk factor for your plants. It is no less than a nightmare for beginners to deal with pests as they hardly know about controlling techniques for pests. Most commonly, spider mites are pests that can cause severe damage to plants. It can ruin crops and kill plants if damage is not treated at the right time. In this brief blog, you will learn about spider mites and ways to control them.
What Is Meant By Spider Mite?
Spider mite falls under the arachnid family. The mites also have eight legs and produce webs. The characteristics of a spider mite are very similar to spiders; the webs formed by mites are used to move around the plant. The tiny pests are not easily seen by the naked eye until you can see the infestation these spider mites have already infected the plant. These microorganisms, known as spider mites, feed on leaves and cause serious damage to the overall growth of the plant.
It is essential to get rid of spider mites as they thrive and can easily spread all around your plantation in a few weeks. With the help of our gardening products, one can easily control or prevent spider mites. Before you know about the controlling tips, let’s know some important factors of spider mites that you should know.
These mites are like an egg, which is somewhere hidden on the bark, stem or leaves of the plant. Spider mites grow more in warmer temperatures. Once the eggs are hatched, they start causing damage to the plant as spider mites feed from the plant at all stages, from larvae to adults. After becoming an adult, a spider mite can lay up to 300 eggs, which makes it spread at a high rate. In just a few weeks, it can damage your growing space if it is kept much warmer for a long duration.
Early Signs That Indicate You Have Spider Mites
- One of the most early signs that you can notice is spots on leaves. The spider mites feed on leaves where they leave tiny white or yellow spots. Consider these spots as serious signs and take protective measures to protect your plants.
- Another easily visible sign that indicates you have spider mites is webbing. If you notice silky webs around leaves, take serious action as soon as possible.
- Colour changes in leaves or sudden damage to leaves indicate that spider mites are spreading vigorously in your growing space.
- Damage to flowers and diminishing plants are also major signs that your plant requires your attention. Spots on leaves appear in white and black spots, so use our range of gardening products to protect your plants against spider mites.
Ways To Control Spider Mites
Remove The Damaged Leaves: Foremost, spot and remove the damaged leaves from the plant. Wear gloves while detaching infected leaves and stems from the plant. Spider mites mainly cause damage in patches, so you can easily spot and remove the infected parts.
Wash Your Plant With Clean Water: After removing infected parts, wash your plant with clean water. It will help in eliminating webs around the plants effectively.
Use An Insecticidal Spray: To control the spread of spider mites, you can buy insecticidal spray from our online store. Pesticides can effectively stop the production of spider mites and can efficiently kill the remaining spider mites from the plants.
Make Little Changes To the Environment: As mentioned above, mites are grown in warm temperatures. So, you can alter the temperature of your grow space. You can effectively control spider mites. Maintaining a lower temperature and increase in humidity can protect your plant from the recurrence of spider mites.
Use Additives To Strengthen The Plants: Adopting our additives for optimal plant growth can rejuvenate the dying plants. Natural and synthetic additives can help in improving plant growth and result in enhanced crop quality. You can explore the additives from our range of gardening products at our online store.
Damage to leaves and plants due to spider mites may take time to completely remove. To effectively remove these pests, you must regularly follow the protective measures. Clean your plants on alternative days, add additives to the soil to enhance plant growth and monitor your plants closely to prevent the recurrence of spider mites. Ensure an optimal environment for plants and experience increased yield with the help of our farming products.